Alevi Haber Ajansi


Shah Ismail’s Mother Alamshah Begum:
Legends and Realities
Alemşah Begüm, Die Mutter Von Schah İsmail Hatâî:
Legenden Und Wahrheit Über Sie
Namiq Musali*
* Doç. Dr., Kastamonu Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü. Ö Z
Yedi Ulu Ozan’dan biri olarak kabul gören Şah İsmail Hatâî’nin
annesi Alemşah Begüm, Azerbaycan Orta Çağ tarihinde önemli role
sahip olan bir kadındır. Babası tarafından Akkoyunlu hanedanına,
annesi tarafından ise Trabzon Rum imparatorları nesline mensup olan
bu kadın, Erdebil Tekkesi’nin mürşidi Şeyh Haydar’la evlenerek,
üç oğul ve üç kız çocuk doğurmuştur. Küçük oğlu İsmail sonradan
taht ve taç sahibi olmuş ve Azerbaycan merkezli Safevî Devleti’ni
kurmuştur. Alemşah Begüm bu süreçte oğluna tam destek vermiş, Şah
İsmail de kendi şiirlerinde annesini sevgiyle anarak, onu Hz. Fâtıma’ya
benzetmiştir. Safevî tarihçileri her zaman Alemşah Begüm’den büyük
bir saygıyla söz etmişlerdir.
Fakat özellikle son yıllarda yayınlanmış olan bazı romanlarda, köşe
yazılarında ve popüler tarih niteliğindeki eserlerde Şah İsmail’in 1501
yılında Tebriz’i aldıktan sonra annesini öldürdüğü iddia edilmektedir.
Bu iddiaların kaynağı olarak o dönemde Azerbaycan’da bulunan
Venediklilerin seyahatnameleri esas alınmaktadır. Oysaki Venedik
elçisi Caterino Zeno’nun seyahatnamesinde Şah İsmail’in kendi öz
annesini değil, üvey annesini öldürdüğü açık bir şekilde belirtilmiştir.
Ama bu eserin Türkçe tercümesinde “üvey anne” yerine yanlışlıkla
sadece “anne” yazılmış ve bu hata, Şah İsmail’i karalamak isteyenler
için “ilham kaynağı” olmuştur.
DOI: 10.12973/abked.81.003
Forschungszeitschrift über das Alevitentum und das Bektaschitentum / 2016 / 13
Shah Ismail is accepted as one of Seven Great Poets in Alevi tradition. His mother
Alamshah Begum is one of the women who played a significant role in the medieval
history of Azerbaijan. This woman belonged to Akkoyunlu Dynasty from her father’s
side and her mother was from the family of Trebizond Emperors. She married with
Sheikh Haydar, who was spiritual leader of the Sufi Order in Ardabil. Alamshah
Begum gave birth to three sons and three daughters. Later, her younger son Ismail
was the owner of throne and crown. He founded Safavid State, heartland of which
was Azerbaijan. In this process Alamshah Begum gave full support to her son. In
his poems Shah İsmail commemorated his mother respectfully and compared her to
Hazrat-i Fatima. Safavid historians always mentioned Alamshah Begum with great
But in some novels, corner posts and examples of popular historiography, which
published especially in recent years, are claimed that Shah Ismail allegedly killed
his mother after the conquest of Tabriz in 1501. These authors as sources of their
claims refer to the voyage books of Venetians, who traveled in Azerbaijan at that time.
Whereas Venetian ambassador Caterino Zeno clearly states that Shah Ismail killed
his stepmother, but not his own mother. However in the Turkish translation of this
work instead stepmother inadvertently was written simply mother and this mistake
has become a “source of inspiration” for those who want to bedaub of Shah Ismail.
According to Safavid sources Alamshah Begum was not killed in 1501 and she
survived long years after this date. Writings on Alamshah Begum’s gravestone, which
is located in courtyard of Sheikh Safi’s tomb, near to Allah Allah cupolas, show that
this woman died in 929 A.H. / 1522-23 A.D.
Keywords: Shah İsmail Khatai, Alamshah Begum, Caterino Zeno, Safavids


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